How simple exercises daily.

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1. walking heel lift

If we walk heel lift To keep weight down at heel less than a full foot. It also makes the body burn calories more. So, take a walk in the house Try lifting your heels for some time.

2. Walk 1.5 times faster than normal.

If we assume that weighs 50 kg, 30-minute walk slowly we burn calories, but if you walk 53 fastest rising a little more. We'll burn calories is 100 calories than walking up the stairs 10 minutes, but burn calories, only 30 calories.

3. Shut breath every time

If breathing with an open mouth like a workout. But if it makes weight loss, abdominal breathing. When oxygen into the body. It helps burn fat and calories even more. Try practicing a scorched then to nose. Then put his hand to the stomach and then slowly exhale.

4. Say Say Say whenever reading or eating.

Speaking make us burn more calories than you think. If the rice is not talking yet. We'll burn calories, 30 calories if you talk to some of us burn up to 50-60 calories or reading time. Try reading aloud is good But be careful with my manners.

Fitness From Home

There are many things that can cause us to exercise with you. Also, keep the house clean, no pollution has adverse effects on the body.

Clothes line

Drying time if the clothes are high and away from the washing machine would be great. We'll walk around the gym. Metabolism is also increased.

Stick clothes to high positions.
When the clothes to stand toe to the ankle of her thighs and waist muscles.
Wash dishes

If we adjust posture while washing dishes. Reduces abdominal and leg down is important to straddle the width of the shoulders. And straightening

Stand close to the sink to the abdomen straightening stand toe hold for a while. Then let the heel down Repeat to help management make us beautiful legs.
Tighten abdominal and back straight stretch A. Do not make the weight at the toe loop in this position will help the administration. The abdominal muscle Reduce thigh fat
There do not need to leave your women well. How to remove stains on the collar

Prepare the onion and cut in half. And laundry soap
Dish soap onto the onion, cut in half.
Tightly tie
Rub dirt on shirt collars.
Water stains that had been stuck up on the collar is lost.

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