Maintaining good dental health

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Just thinking about the dental clinic or a dentist, I felt fear, then, yes. So we have cavities time to tell anyone because I did not want to go to the dentist. But if left soon be harder to maintain. In fact, if we take care of my teeth, it will not rot your teeth, we would not have to waste money and time to go to the dentist as well.

How to keep your teeth healthy.

1. Brushing 333: If we maintain healthy teeth properly, we do not have to use mouthwash, said.

Brush at least three times.
Brush after eating within three minutes.
Brush at least another 3 minutes.

2. Use oral care products

Removal of oral bacteria out using a toothbrush is difficult, we may use dental floss. Remove food stuck between the teeth and gums nook and periodically change the toothbrush regularly.

3. Chewing properly

Dental health is good or not depends on how you chew food. Unilateral chewing habit for a long time. Will hold the jaw And headache

4. dental examinations as scheduled

We should go for dental check-up every six months, although dental care how well. But I have to go to the dentist appointment every time. Should gargle with mouthwash at least once a week. And a new toothbrush should be replaced every 2-3 months.

Food for healthy teeth

1. fish dishes

Fish is good for dental health. Whether it Chiba mackerel snapper, tuna fish or small. Because ocean fish contain fluorine and calcium, which helps prevent tooth decay.

2. Bananas

We eat a banana in skin immunity of teeth is high. Also, if a banana peel on the teeth for about five minutes to help keep teeth white, lime, it is useful to make teeth as well.

3. seaweed

Various types of kelp help neutralize the acid in the mouth to neutral. And help keep teeth healthy as well as prevent cavities as well.

4. Onion

Onions contain bacteria Help control the growth of bacteria in the mouth. It also helps control the mutation of bacteria that cause gum disease and tooth decay as well.

5. Vegetables

Vegetables such as carrots, celery, a spinach and peppers are high in fiber. It helps remove plaque attached to the teeth as well. But it also should brush your teeth with it.

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